Chairman - Derek Gurney Vice Chairman & Raffle - Peter Johnson Secretary - Peter Binfield Treasurer - Gerald Marlow
Speaker Secretary - David Waltham-Hier Outings Secretary - David Braybrook Membership Secretary - Jeff Oglethorpe
Hospitality Co-ordinators - Stephen Blackshaw IT Co-ordinator - Stephen Collett

Constitution and Rules

Title: The Organisation shall be called “Alton Probus”
Objectives: Alton Probus is a Club for retired and semi-retired professional businessmen. It is non-denominational, non-political and is purely social. It is to provide friendship, enjoyment, a way of meeting people and making new friends,
Membership: Membership of the Club shall be open to male persons interested in the above objectives. An application for membership shall be sponsored by an existing member and his application approved by the Committee. Membership will normally cease if subscriptions become three months overdue.
Subscription: The amount of the annual subscription shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). The annual subscription entitles members to all privileges of the Club and is payable at the commencement of the Club year immediately after the AGM. Subscriptions paid by new members joining in the period between Christmas and the AGM shall cover the period up to the following AGM
The Committee: The Club shall be administered by a committee which consists of the officers of the Club and two other members. The Officers of the Club shall be: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, plus members responsible for: Speakers, Membership, Hospitality and Outings.
Election of Officers and Committee Members:
Members of the Club will nominate those willing to serve as Officers and Committee Members either before or at the AGM. The Vice Chairman will usually stand as Chairman, following the latter’s period of office. The Chairman will serve for one year. However, he will remain eligible for re-election if there is no Vice-Chairman and no other member is willing to stand. The other officers and committee members shall be eligible for re-election each year, but after three consecutive years shall normally retire from that office. However, these rules may be waived if no other candidates stand for election. The Committee has power to co-opt in the event of a vacancy occurring.
Meetings: Formal meetings with lunch and speaker will normally be held on the last Friday of each month except for the Christmas lunch which may vary. There will usually be two lunches per annum when members may invite wives, partners or a guest. Informal lunches are usually held on the second Wednesday of each month. The AGM shall be held during March having given notice of two weeks. A Chairman’s report and Treasurer’s financial statement of accounts, duly examined, will be presented. The new Committee to administer the Club for the forthcoming year will be elected at this meeting. An Examiner will also be appointed. The Honorary Secretary will call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) at the request of the Committee or at least 7 members, within five weeks of the request being received. Members will receive notice of at least two weeks of the date of that EGM; twelve members will form a quorum for an EGM.
Committee Meetings: The Committee will meet regularly. Four shall be a quorum. Minutes shall be kept of the meetings. The Treasurer shall give a report at each Committee Meeting, details of which will be incorporated into the Minutes.
Financial Statements and Accounts: The Financial Year shall end on 31st January. The accounts and annual statement of the Club shall be Examined and presented to the Committee prior to the AGM by the Treasurer. These shall be open for members’ inspection and approval at the AGM. The Treasurer will authorize all payments on behalf of the Club