🖥️ Simpleterm ScopeGW

It is possible to send commands to GDS-1000 scope.

It is possible set it up , dump the settings and waveform and frequency measurement.

This is still under construction. Aquire then wait and then plot. Still Buggy but sort of working.

When getting the long string from the Scope a , is sometimes missed.

https: Modem | https: ESP01

Connect to Serial Port:


Scope plot using SVG, data from gbookFtemp.js data from gbookFtemp.js measurement raw -200 -100 0 100 100 200

71,87,44,71,68,83,45,49,48,54,50,44,69,73,49,54,48,56,52,52,44,32,86,49,46,50,54,10GW,GDS-1062,EI160844, V1.26
GW,GDS-1062,EI160844, V1.26
GW,GDS-1062,EI160844, V1.26
GW,GDS-1062,EI160844, V1.26
:DISPlay:WAVeform 0;ACCumulate 0;CONTrast 14;GRATicule 0;:CHANnel1:DISPlay 1;BWLimit 0;COUPling 0;INVert 0;OFFSet 9.200e-01;PROBe 0;SCALe 1.000e+00;:CHANnel2:DISPlay 1;BWLimit 0;COUPling 0;INVert 0;OFFSet 6.000e-02;PROBe 0;SCALe 5.000e-02;:CHANnel1:MATH 0;:TIMebase:SWEep 0;SCALe 2.500e-01;DELay 0.000e+00;WINDow:SCALe 1.000E-09;DELay -4.000E-02;:ACQuire:MODe 0;AVERage 0;:TRIGger:TYPe 0;SOURce 0;MODe 2;SLOP 0;COUPle 1;REJect 0;NREJ 0;LEVel 4.400E-01;PULSe:MODe: 0;TIMe 0.000E+00;:VIDeo:TYPe 1;POLarity 1;FIELd 1;LINe 1;:CURSor:SOURce 1;XDISPlay 0;X1Position 75;X2Position 175;YDISPlay 0;Y1Position 54;Y2Position 154;:REF1:DISPlay 0;LOCate 50;:REF2:DISPlay 0;LOCate -50;:STOP
:DISPlay:WAVeform 0;ACCumulate 0;CONTrast 14;GRATicule 0;:CHANnel1:DISPlay 1;BWLimit 0;COUPling 0;INVert 0;OFFSet 9.200e-01;PROBe 0;SCALe 1.000e+00;:CHANnel2:DISPlay 1;BWLimit 0;COUPling 0;INVert 0;OFFSet 6.000e-02;PROBe 0;SCALe 5.000e-02;:CHANnel1:MATH 0;:TIMebase:SWEep 0;SCALe 2.500e-01;DELay 0.000e+00;WINDow:SCALe 1.000E-09;DELay -4.000E-02;:ACQuire:MODe 0;AVERage 0;:TRIGger:TYPe 0;SOURce 0;MODe 2;SLOP 0;COUPle 1;REJect 0;NREJ 0;LEVel 4.400E-01;PULSe:MODe: 0;TIMe 0.000E+00;:VIDeo:TYPe 1;POLarity 1;FIELd 1;LINe 1;:CURSor:SOURce 1;XDISPlay 0;X1Position 75;X2Position 175;YDISPlay 0;Y1Position 54;Y2Position 154;:REF1:DISPlay 0;LOCate 50;:REF2:DISPlay 0;LOCate -50;:STOP
// ===========================================================================
// Sec 3.0 # Types
// ===========================================================================

/*  Scope data format
  # A B C D E F
  A: Data size digit
  B: Data size
  C: Time interval
  D: Channel indicator
  E: Reserved Data
  F: WaveForm Data

    // define the structure using appropriate types. It must be packed.
    struct scope_S   

      char  T;  /* # */
      char  A;  
      char  B[4];
      float C; /* this needs byte swapping ABCD => DCBA */
      char  D;
      char  E[3];
      short F[4000]; /* this needs byte swapping AB => BA */
    } PACKED;

    // define the structure just using chars
    struct scope2_S   
      char  T;  	// #
      char  A;  	// '4'
      char  B[4];	// '8','0','0','8'
      char  C[4];    	/* Time Interval, this needs byte swapping ABCD => BADC */
      char  D;		// 1,2
      char  E[3];	// junk
      char  F[8000]; 	/* this needs byte swapping AB => BA */
    } PACKED;

An example of a layout for 32-bit floating point is
sign, 8bits exponent, 23 bits fraction


Binary representation of a 32-bit floating-point number. The value depicted, 0.15625, occupies 4 bytes of memory: 00111110 00100000 00000000 00000000

Float example.svg
and the 64 bit layout is similar.