🖥️ SimpleModem - Using Modem and Chrome or Edge

Modem: |




This code is based on code found in The Raspbarry Pi HACKSPACE magazine #44 p98,p100

Local MODEM support.

Chrome and Edge can drive serial ports to support cloud based tools. Plug a modem in, and if seen, you can connect to it, using the connect button.

Modems are controlled by AT commands and send inband keywords like OK, ERROR, CONNECT, RING.

A call back function is used to receive text from the modem and look for the key words. The webpage allows a user to type and keystrokes are monitored to send the text on space or enter.

This page can be used from an HTTPS website or a local file on the desktop.

Web APIs
When writing code for the Web, there are a large number of Web APIs available. 
Below is a list of all the APIs and interfaces (object types) that you may be able to use while developing your Web app or site.
Web APIs are typically used with JavaScript, although this doesn't always have to be the case.

This works

This was not working but seems to be working now. It seemed to work after I dabbled with modems in Windows Device manager:

This one also works, but does not like AT+MS=V21 :

Cable confusion warning - The wiring of the cable from the modem sometimes uses the Phone - 4 wire convention and sometimes the Modem 2 wire convention.